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Around the Web: Borrowing Books, Shakespeare, and How Bookstores Are Adapting

Welcome back, friends. September sure is flying by, it seems like only a few days ago I was wishing you all a happy back to school. Now the month is almost at an end, but one thing is still the same: Friday is Around the Web day!

Here's what caught my eye recently:

Rules for Borrowing Books

Book lovers can be a little precious with their books, so it’s important to know how to care for their books if you want to keep your relationships healthy it’s important. Check out Bustle’s rules for borrowing books.

Two blond girls lying on their backs by a window reading

Weird Locations for Shakespeare Performances

Shakespeare plays have graced stages around the world. They’ve also graced airplanes, pubs, prisons, and parking lots. For more odd places that Shakespeare plays have been informed in, check out Electric Lit’s “10 weirdest places Shakespeare Plays Have Been Performed.

Chandos Portrait of William Shakespeare

If Shakespeare Characters Could Text

More fun Shakespeare content! Buzzfeed imagined text messages between Shakespeare characters. All your favourites are included, from Romeo and Juliet to Benedict and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing.

Creative Ways Bookstores Are Adapting

Bookstores are still beloved locations for readers, but Amazon and other online options have definitely disrupted the industry. Crain’s New York shared an interesting article on the ways bookstores are adapting in the age of Amazon. The post will definitely be interesting to bookstore or small business fans.

Books on display at a bookstore

I hope you like these links. If you've seen anything interesting around the web lately (or if you've written something bookish), be sure to share!

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