Ask the Publisher: Tips for Throwing a Memorable Launch Party

Way back on August 27th, I promised you that I would write a post with tips for a memorable launch party. I also promised you a summary graphic that captures the key points in a checklist from our four-part series "How to Successfully Launch a Book." This post fulfills both of those commitments!
You can download your infographic, so you'll have it to refer to whenever you like.
And now, on to planning a memorable and successful launch party.
Two to Three Months in Advance:
1. Choose date and time of launch party When doing this consider the audience for the book. For instance, launching a children’s book might mean scheduling your launch on a weekend day so that kids, parents and grandparents can attend. 2. Secure launch venue
Try to find a unique venue that suits the story (e.g. science fiction in a science centre) Consider as well:
What sort of mood can be set in the space? Will you be allowed to decorate it freely? Papering it with posters of the cover of the book is certainly a good place to start but there may be other key elements of the book that could be incorporated.
Will the event be casual, funky, formal...?
How will the space photograph? How do you want people to look in the photos?
For a MG novel it'll be a family event so there will be lots of children milling about. Is there an opportunity for them to dress up as a character and be photographed? Do you have any amenable children that you could persuade/coerce/bribe to dress up and act as characters from the book?
How will the number of people suit the size of the space (we don't want a crush or a strange draughty feeling from all of the empty space!
How will furniture, food and beverage (age appropriate for adults and kids) be arranged in the space? Will you need a liquor license or a public event licence (the venue can advise you on those requirements)?
3. Create e-vites
Send e-vites to the media, reviewers and others on the publisher’s guest list
Send e-vites to the author’s guest list
Confirm numbers for venue
4. Decide on what “swag” will be provided
Would there be an opportunity to 'hide' copies of the book under chairs or tables for people to win?
The Big Finish
Thoughts for a grande finale? A reading is, of course, de rigour but perhaps there is something equally memorable you can add to it.
Promoting the Event
Post on Social media and blog
Capturing the Moment
Write a blog post (with photos) about the event within one week of the event
Here at Common Deer Press we are deep into the preparations for the launch of our three fall books: The Math Kids: The Prime-Time Burglars, by David Cole, Dear Earthling: Cosmic Correspondent, by Pen Avey, and Lackbeard, by Cody B. Stewart and Adam Rocke. The authors and the characters all have plenty they want to say to you before the books are officially released. So, I will be ceding this space to them for the next six weeks. This is your chance to get special insights (and a number of chuckles along the way) before the big event!
In closing, do you have some tips you’d like to share for a successful launch party or ideas you think would be useful for our authors who are planning their launch parties now? If so, share them in the comments below.
All the best,