Around the Web: Comics, 100-Year-Old Words, Go Ask Alice, Cities for Book Lovers, and Book Marketers
Hello readers! As we head into the weekend, I’m back to share some links and give you reading material from across the internet.
The Evolution of Comics
We live in exciting literary times. There was a time when comics meant superheroes or newspapers, but the medium is now so much more. SKTCHD has a great piece on how comics have changed over the years. In particular, it discusses the impact of the internet and social media.

100-Year-Old Words
This one’s for the word nerds! Think you can identify 100-year-old English words? Test your knowledge of old words with this Metal Floss quiz
Go Ask Alice and Anxiety
In the latest of Electric Literature’s personal essay series Novel Gazing, Sloan Tannen discusses the impact of Go Ask Alice, a faux memoire of a teen drug addict. Tannen describes how the book influenced her anxiety and how it felt to discover the true author.
Cities for Book Lovers
Who’s planning summer vacations? Perhaps this list of bookish destinations might give you some ideas.

What Do Book Marketers Do?
Lastly, I have a little insight into the publishing world. Editor might be the job most associated with book publishing, but there’s lots of other positions. This Bustle article gives you a look at what book marketers do.
Have a good weekend!