Around the Web: An Uncertain Book Lover, The Strand, A Book Hotel, and A Stutterer's Writing Adv
TGIF, readers! I’ve been on the road this week, so all my reading has been squeezed between visits with family or relegated to the late evening or early morning. But fear not! I’ve still had time to find some things to share with you.
An Uncertain Book Lover
I sometimes start to feel bad when I see friends who’ve already completed their Goodreads Challenges or when I’m in a conversation and I don’t know any of the new book releases that are being discussed. So I felt a bit of relief reading Open Book writer in residence Zalika Reid-Benta's thoughts about feeling uncertain about being a book lover who doesn’t read voraciously.

The Strand Becomes a Landmark
The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has voted to make 826 Broadway, the home of The Strand Bookstore, a landmark. The Strand moved to the building back in 1957, and if you’re like me, you’d think that making it a landmark would be something to celebrate. But it turns out, the folks at The Strand aren’t so thrilled. The owner says it’ll mean a lot of red tape that could threaten their profitability. Just another reminder of the precariousness of independent book stores.
A Book Hotel in Naples
Anyone planning a Europe trip? If you head to Naples, you can now stay in a suite filled with books! I know, I know, I have plenty of books at home, but just look at the photos in this Lonely Planet article and you’ll see why I think this could be the perfect vacation destination.
A Stutterers Guide to Writing
Reading your writing aloud can help you make your words flow smoother and more naturally. That’s why this advice is often given at writing workshops. But what if you have trouble speaking aloud? How do you find your voice when your voice gets blocked? Jake Wolff shares his experience a writer and stutterer in a great piece for Electric Lit.

That's it from me this week. Feel free to share any intersting links you've come across lately!