Around the Web: Novelists and Agents, Defining Genres and Personalising Books
Welcome back and happy Friday! If you, like me, are doing NaNoWriMo this year, congratulations for taking on the challenge and making it this far. I hope this can act as a good break between your writing sprints. If you’re not doing NaNo, you still deserve a break.
This week, I’ve got:
Graphic Novelists And Agents
Victoria Ying provides information on how graphic novelists should look for agents, sharing her own experience. Much of this can apply to prose writers as well.
What Counts As Science Fiction?
Genre debates come up regularly, and they can get heated. But how do we define genres like science fiction? Alexandra Erin discusses this issue for Uncanny Magazine.
The Writers Trust Awards
Get ready to add to your reading list! The 2019 Writers Trust Awards were announced this week. Among the winner is André Alexis, who takes home the fiction prize for the second time for his novel Days by Moonlight. The other winners (and shortlisted books) are worth checking out as well.
Personalized Books
I’m kind of in denial about the holiday season coming up, but others certainly are not. Book Riot already has a list of personalized books that make great gifts.
See you next week! (And keep going NaNo-ers! One week down!)