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Around the Web: Frankfurt Book Fair, Picture Books, Writing Routines, and Top Books of the Year

Hello again, readers! I’ve got an update on the Frankfurt Book Fair this week, as well as some insights into picture books and writing schedules, and a list of Goodreads’ top books of the year.

Frankfurt Planning Live Book Fair

Most book fairs and festivals have been cancelled or held virtually for over a year now, but there may be change coming. Frankfurt Book Fair is planning on hosting a live, in-person fair this October according to Publisher’s Weekly. The event won’t be as big as in past years, but for those who’ve been hoping for IRL events to return, this is exciting news.

The Picture Book Stool

If you’ve wondered about picture book writing, you may be interest in this blog post by Julie Phend. Phend compares picture books to a three-legged stool: the author and illustrator are the first two legs and the reader is the third. Check it out!

Writing Routines

Every so often, a famous author shares their writing routine in an interview or online, sparking lots of interest from the writing community. Writer Mel Burke decided to try out five different famous authors’ routines to see which would be most productive. Business Insider has the full story.

Goodreads’ Top 48 Books of the Year

Goodreads has released a list of the most popular books of the year so far. The list is based on users’ Want to Read shelves and star ratings and contains both fiction and nonfiction. Take a look at the list and read what BookRiot thought of some of the titles.


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