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Around the Web: Poetry Awards, Serialized Storytelling, Memes, and an Art Exhibit

Hello, friends! And welcome back to Around the Web, our weekly round up of bookish web content. This week, I’ve got a poetry award shortlist, a new serialized storytelling platform, some memes, and an art exhibit. Read on and enjoy!

League of Canadian Poets 2021 Book Awards

Poetry month continues, and if you’re looking for some recommendations, might I suggest you take a look at the League of Canadian Poets Book Awards shortlist? The winners will be announced on May 6, but you can start reading right away!

Serialized Storytelling

A new platform for serialized storytelling will soon be available to readers in the US. Kindle Vella will join the ranks of serialization sites like Wattpad and Webtoon and offer a new self-publishing route for authors. Publishing Perspectives has the details.

Bookish Vaccination Memes

Have you seen the “being vaccinated does not mean” meme going around? These PSA-style posts appear as if they’re going to give instructions for behaving responsibly after you receive your covid vaccine but take a humorous turn. For book Twitter, that means some funny literature-themed posts. Book Riot has collected some of the best examples.

Goodnight Moon Exhibit

And for the children’s lit fans, check out this Goodnight Moon exhibit. Goodnight House is an immersive art exhibit at Fort Makers, a studio for contemporary art, furniture, stage, and production design. It features pieces that reimagine the well-loved picture book’s illustrations and is meant for children and adults alike.

That’s it for this week! If you’d like to share any bookish content you’ve found while browsing the web, please leave a comment.


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