Around The Web: Teen Initiative, a New Writing Tool, Rare Books, and a Commemorative Stamp
Welcome, readers! It’s been a busy week, so I hope you have some down time to read and enjoy yourself this weekend. If you’re looking for some bookish content, I’ve got you.
Alberta Teen Brings Diversity to Her School

We are all for young folks who show initiative and promote positive change, and Sofia Rathjen of Alberta certainly fits the bill. Having noticed her school library’s book collection lacked diversity, the thirteen-year-old penned an application for a government grant and is now adding books by and about Black, Indigenous, and people of colour. CBC has the full story.
Midst: A New Writing Tool

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could go back to view a previous stage of a document you’re working on? Enter Midst, a new software that lets you see your work’s progress and rewind to previous stages. This new tool is the product of a collaboration between poet Annelyse Gelman and developer Jason Gillis-Grier. Check out LitHub for more information on how Midst came to be.
Toronto’s Rare Book Library

Image: Cicero's Book of Natural History. Photo by Brandon Finney
Is anybody else dreaming of the day we can safely and easily peruse libraries and bookstores again? Atlas Obscura has a post about Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library that certainly has me thinking.
Ursula K. Le Guin Stamp

Last week we talked about H.G. Well’s coin; now it looks like another sci-fi legend is getting a commemorative item in the form of a stamp. The stamp will include an illustration from a scene in her novel The Left Hand of Darkness, and hopefully it won’t contain any glaring errors like the Well’s coin.