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Around The Web: Video Game Writing, Novel Planning, Patreon, and Tips to Encourage Reading

Welcome back, readers! As you may know by now, Around the Web is our round up of bookish internet content. This week, we’re sharing an interesting perspective on video game writing, a novel planning kit, an examination of Patreon, and some tips to encourage reading. Enjoy!

Creative Writing and Video Games

A Calgary creative writing student has been moonlighting as a video game writer, according to CBC. That doesn’t seem that unusual, prose and games both need writers. What is interesting is this student’s trick for writing video games: he says he writes 'a lot of the dialogue as if it was poetry.' Read the full story for his explanation.

Novel Planning Kit

Speaking of creative writing, here’s a novel writing resource for you! Author Terry J. Benton has created a kit of worksheets to help fiction writers plan out their novels, which includes everything from character sheets to plotting exercises. You can find the kit on the writing resources page of his website.

Patreon for Writers

If you’re already writing, have you considered using Patreon to connect with your audience and earn financial support? LitReactor examines how authors have used the platform, examining its viability as an income source.

Tips for Encouraging Reading for Pleasure

Lucas Maxwell has a great piece over on BookRiot about encouraging young folks to read for pleasure. As this pandemic continues, finding ways to have fun while connecting with literature remains important, so take a look if you’ve got kids in your life.


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