Patricia J. ANDERSON

Welcome to Ooolandia, a world very much like our own, but with an extra “O.” In this world, the feathered, the furred, the scaled, the shelled, the shorn, and the nearly naked all live and die, sometimes together, sometimes apart. They are divided by species and distracted by design, happily hypnotized by the culture of MORE. And why not? Who doesn’t want MORE? MORE things, MORE excitement, MORE beer. MORE stuff for everyone!
But hidden in the fog of everydayness, a great calamity is approaching. Freaky winds, icy earthquakes, mutant frogs and failing fir trees plague the landscape. Waterfalls stop falling, grasslands become dust bowls, the oceans rise over shorelines never flooded before, and whole species disappear without a trace.
This is not good.
Trying to raise the alarm is Banshooo, head of the Ooolandian Department of Nature. (Okay, so he’s a monkey, but he’s a very smart monkey.) He has amassed data proving, beyond any doubt, that the natural environment has become dangerously unhinged. Unfortunately, it’s Banshooo who gets branded as dangerously unhinged. He’s fired and his warnings are ignored by the Ooolandian authorities who are planning to phase out nature altogether.
When the bees die and the moon disappears, some begin to wonder if MORE might not be all it’s cracked up to be, but the authorities step in and reassure the populace. The MORE Laboratories create mechanical bees and mount a massive project to engineer and launch a synthetic moon. A moon they can count on. A moon they can control.
After an especially devastating storm, Banshooo has a shocking vision revealing the vital connection between Ooolandia and the Unseen World. Critical to Ooolandia’s survival, this connection is fraying, faster and more completely with every moment.
Time is running out.
In desperation, Banshooo decides to follow a very unusual map that fell on his head and knocked him cold, (not the most promising start but the map has an unexpected audio component that Banshooo finds strangely reassuring.) He and his quirky sidekick, Taboook, head off past The Last Gate, into The Mythic, and finally to One More Mountain in a last ditch attempt to find the Unseen and bring back proof of the true nature of reality.
Arduous trekking and adventures ensue until finally, scratched, bruised and exhausted, Banshooo is about to discover the secret of the Time/Space continuum, a secret that will reveal the Unseen. At that moment however, due to a mishap with the map, he and his buddy become the fast-food choice of a massive carnivore who chases them to the edge of death, which turns out to be a one-way ticket to the quantum realm and you can’t come back from there.
Did we mention The Image? It reveals the most profound and dazzling reality within which all of life is lived; the very reality that holds within it your own heart’s breath. If this Image can be streamed on every screen, every device throughout Ooolandia, it will create a shift in awareness that would change everything.
But really, how bloody likely is that??
Nah. Let’s face it. They don’t stand a chance.
THRESHOLD by Patricia J. Anderson releases March, 2018.
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